Saturday, January 28, 2012

Recent Advice

Anonymous said...
So recently my very serious boyfriend of 4 months told me that he wants a break. His grandpa is dying and he is really upset and has a lot on his mind and needs time to relax and clear his head. I agreed, figuring it would be okay. An hour later, he started saying how he DEFINITELY wanted to get back in a week once he gets some space. Then, a few hours later he said he was unsure of whether he wanted to get back together or not. And by back together, I think he means forever. We were so close and serious, I just don't get why he's so confused about going out again. He's insisting that its just because he has a lot on his plate right now, and not because hes stopped liking me. I can't help but feel like a big reason is that he doesn't have the same feelings as he used to, even though he kept telling me that's not why. If he had the same feelings, why would he be so uncertain about getting back together? Whenever people ask him he always responds, "i don't know". Do you think that he doesn't feel the same way for me and is confused about if he wants to be with me because he likes me or if he's confused because so much is going on for him he just can't think about that? Even then, I don't get why we can't be together in a little while when things with his grandpa are settled, but he keeps saying he doesn't want to make promises he can't keep and he'll see how he feels. What do you think this means?

Love Adviser replied...
Wow, that's rough. You definitely have to be encouraging to him and the family. If you have been going out for 4 months, I don't see why he wouldn't like you. It seems like he does have a lot going on, especially if he was really close to his Grandpa. I wouldn't pester him with the "Do you still like me?" questions anymore. Still talk to him, ask how he's doing. Then, later on you can ask him to a movie or somewhere you two liked to go. Talk to him when he has calmed down from the situation, you're more likely to get a straight answer. Put yourself in his shoes, if you had a family member that was really close who was dying, would you really want to think about anything? I'd say give it a week or so and start talking about your future together after this has settled down.

She replied...
 Except, I've been talking to him lately and the whole grandpa thing was an excuse. He stopped liking me and now hes planning on getting with other girls after only a few days since we permanently broke up. We've been getting into fights a lot and I blocked him and told him I didn't want to be friends ever because he kept lying to me about being with other girls. I don't know what to do now, I like him so much but he has hurt me so much and I don't get how he can move on in only a few days.

Love Adviser replied...
Wow. That truly is painful. Did he ever actually show you that he cared about you?. It doesn't seem like he truly liked you if he could move on that quickly. What did you like about him? Was it his looks or his actual personality?

She replied...
His actual personality. We dated for so long and got along together so well. We literally were so close and couldn't be apart. For a good amount of time he showed he really cared all the time, then towards the last month he stopped showing it as much, but still did. I agree though I feel like he doesn't actually care about me if he can move on so fast.

Love Adviser said...
That really is difficult. Maybe he was already with other girls in that last month? That's harsh but it seems like something made him lose interest. Has he dated a lot of other girls? If he lied to you that would make me angry, so I'm sure it makes you angry as well. Do you plan on ever talking to him and asking him how you two got here? Is there any way you could suggest getting back together? 

She replied...
That's the thing, I've been trying to talk to him about it this past week. He definitely doesn't want to get back. He says that he's lost interest and needs time to be single and just hang out with his friends. I definitely think that there is another girl involved. The girl hes planning on getting with now asked him a few months ago while we were dating, so i'm suspecting thats why he broke up with me. Except if that's the reason, I don't get why he wouldnt have broken up with me months ago when she asked. I'm just so confused, one second we were perfect the next we were over. He said he wasn't even planning on breaking up with me, the fight just escalated and now he doesn't want to work things out.

Love Adviser said...
That's tough. Honestly, when couples have fights, the strongest eventually get back together. It's pretty true that naturally you have fights. No relationship is perfect. But if he doesn't even want to talk about it, I would move on. I know it hurts, but there is probably a better guy that is more caring out there for you. This guy is obviously not who you thought he was. Take some time to heal and then move on. Become great friends with a boy and if you like him, ask him to a movie or something. Don't get too serious until you know the real him. 

She said...
Yeah thanks thats what im going to try doing. he keeps saying he wants to just be friends for a while and see how it goes from there but after all he's lied about and how much he's hurt me, im never going to be able to trust him again. Before this, we had only gotten into like two big fights or so and for other couples they wouldn't even be considered big. I guess I just wish I had answers or that the breakup mattered more to him, but I guess it didn't. So i'm just going to move on and ignore him.

Love Adviser said..
I definitely agree with you. If he's already hurt you, it doesn't mean he won't do it again. Plus, you don't want him to think he can just break up with someone without hurting them. I would ignore him so he can feel a little pain too, and think about what he did to you. Stay strong! :)

If you ever need help like this, contact me @! It's free!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Real Advice

Don't forget to ask my for advice by email :
I'm always here to help! I have given advice to a few people already.
Or if you want me to blog about a certain topic, email me or comment below!
Thanks readers! :)

Friday, January 13, 2012

No Boyfriend for Valentine's? No worries!

Call over your friends and make some V-Day brownies! I know it's a month early, but these brownies would be great whenever. Check out this recipe from!!!

Easy Valentine's Brownies
Prep: 20 minutes
Cook: 25 minutes
Yield: 10 servings
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/8 teaspoon salt
2 ounces unsweetened chocolate, chopped
1/2 cup butter
1 cup sugar
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1Red and white icing (optional)
1. Preheat oven to 350F. Combine flour, baking powder and salt. Set aside.

2. Melt the chocolate and butter in a saucepan over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and stir in the flour mixture, sugar, eggs and vanilla.

3. Spoon batter into a greased and floured 8 x 8-inch baking pan and bake for 25 minutes. Cool in the pan on a wire racks. Refrigerate for up 15 minutes before cutting into heart cookie cutters. Decorate with icing if desired.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


That word. Unsure. Or uncertain. Those words appear ALL THE TIME in relationships. I'm not sure he wants to kiss me. I'm not sure he wants to go out with me. So many people have such a lack of confidence. Building confidence will not only help you with social life, but it will also help you for educational purposes and sports. Those who are really confident have the strongest relationships. If you aren't afraid to say how you feel or take the lead, then you're bound to know when you are in love and when you aren't.

Now, a few weeks ago I would be the exact person that I am telling you not to be. I always doubt myself. I always over thought what I just said. Was it stupid? Did my voice sound low? If you are dating someone, then they obviously like you! With time you will feel more comfortable around them anyway. If you are afraid of kissing someone or nervous, don't be. If you both like each other then don't be afraid to take the lead. Yes, I know it is way easier said then done. But all I can give you is advice. I can't be right next to you as you have your first kiss. Not only would that be creepy, it creepy.

What I am saying is, the next time you find yourself rethinking the past few convos with your girlfriend/boyfriend, STOP. The past is gone. Focus in the future. Build some courage. When having your first kiss or asking someone out think of giving yourself "15 seconds of courage" (as I was wisely taught) and make move. Say to yourself, "I'm going to ask so and so out." Build up that random confidence and go for it. Besides, (some more wise words) What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. The worst answer you'll get is  No. If a person doesn't want to go out with you they won't kill you! All you'll get is a really saddening, "NO." At least you'll get an answer.

All in all, eventually you will find love or people that you enjoy being around. Don't chase it, because it will always be one step ahead. Love will come when you least expect it. (For some of us). Spontaneous = romantic! <3

Email me for personal advice and questions at:

Friday, December 2, 2011

Don't fall for the flirty boys!

We all have a few in school. There's the boy who might be attractive but flirts with EVERYBODY. Yes, he might make you feel special but it is all fake. Truly, most of the time he doesn't even want a relationship with you. He just wants to feel like all of the girls like him. Plus, this guy can seem funny and flirty, but has no seriousness. Everything is just a game to him. You can't trust him and you don't want to give your heart to a guy like that.

What should you do? Well, if you have a flirtatious spirit, practice flirting back. Or just ignore him and he'll get the idea. Either way, don't fall for falseness of flirtatiousness.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

It's not always what you think...

Mistake #2:

You have a crush on this boy right? But you're afraid to talk to him right? If you answered yes, you already are deep into Mistake 2.

      Face it, if you never talk to the boy, you're never going to get to know each other and you are NEVER going to go out! I spent an entire school year crushing on this boy and telling myself, Go talk to him. I would make up random stories that I could tell him in case I would talk to him. Finally I realized that my best guy friend was the one I truly liked. Now I'm going out with him.
      Girls spend so much time wanting to get attention from a guy they don't talk to. Even if you did go out, you'd be too nervous to talk and it wouldn't work out. Now I've learned that you shouldn't even bother. Truth is, life really is like those Disney movies, where the girl falls in love with her guy friend at the end. So don't say, "I don't want to go out with him because he's my friend." Do you two share things in common? Does he make you laugh? Do you look forward to seeing him in school? Then he is your perfect match. Don't deny it and DON'T care about what other people may think, go for it!

Hope this helps! E-mail me with questions or comments at

Friday, October 7, 2011

Mistake #1

Yes, love does have its flaws. There are many mistakes made in love, but I'll take it step by step. Here we go:

Mistake #1: You over-think everything you do or say.

You all do this. After talking to your boyfriend or crush your mind floods with questions. Was I smiling? Did my hair look bad? Did I say something stupid? He didn't laugh. Does he think I'm ugly? Well, basically, you just need to tell yourself to shut. up. That's right. You are who you are. Yes, people make mistakes. Plus, a guy may like if you are a little klutzy. Guys hate perfect girls, its....kind of creepy. So if you stumble on your words or  say something slightly stupid, its NOT the end of the world. Besides, he should like you for who you are, no the person you are trying to be. Accept your mistakes, and make them you.

Also to go along with this rule. Don't over-think things that he does. If he didn't talk to you at school for a day or two, don't immediately assume that he's mad at you. Flash a smile when you pass him in the hallways. He probably just hasn't gotten a chance to talk with you. You can always start the conversation as well. Guys do like confident girls. what they don't like is girls who are extremely dramatic.

Basically, don't dwell on your embarrassing moments. They're part of the past. kepp on going and don't look back. As Oscar Wilde said, Be yourself, because everybody else is taken. 

Thanks again readers!

-Love Adviser <3

Want advice? Want to see a post about a certain topic? E-mail me at: